Thursday, January 21, 2010



I seriously thought I was never going to feel the least bit normal again, but these abx they put me on (Cefoxitin) are kicking this bugs ass. I am just so thrilled about it. That's about all I really feel like logging right now, it's kind of late and I wanna go to bed so yeah. Haha <3 Night!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Watching, Waiting...

Nothing new yet, typical fevers still happening, taking motrin & tylneol every couple hours. Chills still happening. I've been out and about though more... So that's good. Just don't wanna get sick. Over all I am just waiting for my doctor to call me back about the sputum cultures, and see what antibiotics I need to be on, which I am hoping it will be Monday, or maybe tomorrow, but that's probably asking too much.

Right now I am just on azithromycin and cipro (both oral)... When I went to Dr. Miles the other day he asked if I needed any re-fills, and dumbass me didn't write anything down before I left, so I thought I still had enough cipro to last me until atleast into next week.... Well I was wrong, I took my last one last night, and now I don't have any. I called about a re-fill at Walgreens, but they usually take forever. Turns out theres a little angel with me because I found some cipro 500mg (same that I am taking) in my cupboard from a while ago when I had a different infection... Go me for saving them! So I totally have enough to last into next week even though I would like the new ones. I don't think that they are expired or anything, but I'd just feel better if I had the new ones. Probably Monday... that's okay though. :)

Lately in the morning my lungs have been so productive, it's really exciting to cough some gunk out. I can't really tell if it's just mucous or if it is a mucous plug... lol. Sometimes I will cough some harder or rubbery consistency stuff up, maybe that's a mucous plug. Either way I wanna get them out.

Well that's all, <3